Thursday, November 29, 2012

Future Father of My Children

The first step I would take to ensure an active father role in the lives of my children would be to marry the right guy. However, I have talked about this sort of thing with someone who I think could potentially be a father to my future kids. One of the things we have talked about when it comes to fatherhood involvement is having a weekly Sunday father to child talk with each kid. This would entail the father taking time to sit down and talk with each kid about how they are doing and if there is anything that he could do to help them with school, or other challenges the kid may be having.

Something else I believe would be really good for my husband and father of my kids to do is to show our kids how much he loves me as his wife. I really mean that he should do this by being by my side whenever possible. He should support me in the things I want to do. He should hold me when the children are present and give me a kiss when he gets home from work. I think my parents stopped kissing each other in front of us kids for a time because whenever they would kiss each other, we would always say, “eew.”They probably got tired of hearing that whenever they wanted to give that sort of affection to each other. I probably would get tired of hearing that too, but I still think it’s very important that my children know how much their parents love each other.

I also think that it would be important for my husband to take an active role in helping to teach our children and helping them with their school work. However, since I expect him to be working much of the time, I would really expect him to at least not turn our kid away when they ask for his help.

I would also encourage my husband to go out with our children, whether that is with each individual child or with all the kids at the same time; preferably both. I know this would probably only happen once or twice a year (since I would want to go with them on most occasions).

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