Thursday, October 18, 2012

Planned, Paid-for, and Paired Off

So it just so happens that I went on a date this past weekend. It really came out of no where. My roommate met a guy while we went to latin dancing on campus. She had given him her number and he texted her and asked out on a date. She did not want to go with just him, so she asked if she could try setting me up with his roommate. That's how it went down. A completely blind date. All I knew about him was his name. My roommate is a freshman, so she didn't understand the "rules" of dating. She didn't even give her date a chance to pay for her meal that night even after I told her not to pay for it herself! My date was quite gentlemanly and paid for my meal (I did give him the chance to step up and do so). Now that I think of it, my date was the one who opened all the door for us and kept up the most conversation. My roommate's date got brownie points for acctually being the one brave enough to do the asking. Both our dates had PLANNED the date, both PAID-FOR the mini golf we went and did, and we were PAIRED OFF. It was a lot of fun, and I'm glad I was able to go. As a bonus, I had heard before the date, that my date wasn't sure this whole thing was a good idea, since last time he was set up on a blind date by his roommate he had a terrible time, however, at the end of our date, he told me he had a good time. I really hope I was able to help restore some of his faith in dating again.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Mom vs. Dad

              In my family, as you know from my first post, there are 4 of us sisters, my mom and my dad. I didn't grow up seeing how my nonexistant brothers were treated differently than me and my sisters (obviously, becuase I don't have any!). I did, however, realize that what my mom did and what my dad did differently. My mom stayed home, took care of us kids, and did the housework. My dad had a job, did the yard work, and fixed anything that broke. It would seem my family is very traditional. I think all my sisters and I connected more with our mom than we did with our dad. I love both my parents very much, but I learned more from my mom than I did from my dad while growing up. I believe that if I ever did have a brother, he would have been closer to my dad then my sisters and I are. My dad probably would have shown him how to fix a leaking pipe or how to change oil in the car much earlier than my dad ever tried to show me or my sisters. I believe that my parents behavior was greatly influenced by how they were raised by their parents. The mothers in most of my extended family, as well as the fathers tend to be more traditional than in other families. I'm probably going to act the same way, or a similar way when I have a family of my own.
           I alway thought it would be fun to have an older brother. Someone who would be there for me at school, and just be generally a protector for me when it came to boys. Not to say my sisters and I aren't all a little protective of each other when it comes to boys, but it seems like it's different when it's a brother protecting his little--sometimes even his older--sister. Probably because a brother would have a better idea of what is really running through the other guy's head because he is a boy as well.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Just Some Basics


My name is Emily and I come from what most people would refer to as a traditional family. I have a mom and a dad who have been married to each other for 30 years. I am the 3rd child of 4 girls. My oldest sister, Kiri is the healthy/ wierd one, then there is Kalie who is the flirty fun one, I'm the righteous one, and Melissa is the gamer. I used to be the quiet one, but luckily I broke a little more out of my shell when I got to college.

Here is a random picture from my high school graduation with my sisters. Aren't we silly?

Yup. That's us. Something else you might care to know, is that we all, for the most part, get along really well. With four girls in one family you'd probably expect a lot of drama, but there isn't too much of that in my family. Sure there is the still all the excitement over boys and whatnot, but we're pretty chill for the most part.